Baby-Making Basics: Recommended Sex Positions for Trying to Conceive

Baby-Making Basics: Recommended Sex Positions for Trying to Conceive

Are you dreaming of starting a family? When trying to have a baby, it's important to know about the recommended sex positions that can increase your chances of conceiving. Let's dive into the baby-making basics and discover how these positions can help you on your journey.

What are recommended sex positions?

Did you know that certain positions during sex can make it easier for sperm to reach the egg? These positions can boost your chances of getting pregnant and starting a family. Let's learn more about them!

Doggy style

In this position, the woman is on all fours while the man enters from behind. It allows for deep penetration and gives the sperm a straighter path to the cervix.

Woman on top

This position allows the woman to control the depth and angle of penetration. It can help facilitate better sperm delivery to the cervix.

Missionary position

The missionary position is a common and recommended position for conception. It involves lying face-to-face with your partner, with the man on top. This position allows for deep penetration and helps the sperm reach the egg more easily, increasing the chances of fertilization.

Rear-entry position

Another recommended option is the rear-entry position. In this position, the woman is on her hands and knees, while the man enters from behind. This position allows for deeper penetration, which can help the sperm reach the cervix more effectively, increasing the chances of conception.

Side-by-side position

The side-by-side position is a comfortable and effective option for trying to conceive. It involves lying next to your partner, facing each other on your sides. This position promotes intimacy and also allows for optimal sperm placement near the cervix, increasing the chances of fertilization.


Remember, when you're trying to have a baby, using recommended sex positions can improve your chances of conceiving. The missionary position, rear-entry position, and side-by-side position are all worth trying. So, don't be afraid to explore and experiment with these positions as you embark on your journey to starting a family. Good luck!

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